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2024 Theme

The Digitally Engaged Learning conference and monthly DEL In Betweens are forums to discuss emergent topics and practices in art and design pedagogy in Higher Education. In 2024 we are looking to you, the community, to suggest topics through the submission process without linking it to a single theme.

Some of the lingering questions from last year’s conference and urgent topics we’ve observed include: 

  • How will generative A.I. change the future of education and creative labor?
  • How can traditional practices of craft, introspection, and critical thinking survive in a society predicted on constant production and consumption?
  • Is everyone a designer?
  • How are overarching ideas like social justice and the climate crisis represented in everyday classrooms?
  • Are indigenous and underrepresented voices being integrated into curricula? Are they part of our historical and forward-looking storytelling?
  • Are students being adequately prepared for an uncertain future?