David White
Cultural flips: the digital as the home of learning
What are the implications as the digital becomes the primary place where students learn – when the physical campus becomes an extension of the digital, not the other way around? In this talk I will highlight some of the ‘cultural flips’ I have witnessed as students move to the digital and explore how they have come about. Using the Visitors and Residents concept of online engagement I will discuss the implications of these shifts in thinking for art, design and communication and the possible responses we can make as teachers, technicians and facilitators.
David is Head of Technology Enhanced Learning at the University of the Arts London. He works in the spaces between learning, academia and technology and has been researching how students use the Web for over a decade. David has led national and international studies around the role of the digital in the context of higher education and is known for his ‘Visitors and Residents’ principle which helps in understanding individuals motivations to engage online.
Head of Technology Enhanced Learning at the University of the Arts London