
Wednesday, September 17th


Registration + Coffee


Opening Remarks + Keynote

Cultural flips: the digital as the home of learning
David White, University of the Arts London

11.15 – 12.45

Parallel Presentations I

The New Model Dissertation: a Dissertation proposition for the 21st century – and an innovative, student-centred, digital brief to match
Ray Batchelor, Bucks New University, London

Tradition Versus Innovation - Exploring the dialogue between Analogue and digital
Michelle Salamon, Central Saint Martins UAL

Learning Pods: Reverse Blending from Online toward Face-to-Face
Carrie Boden-McGill and Matthew Eichler, Texas State University

Getting to Know You: An Online Pre-entry Transition Project (work-in-progress)
Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas and Diana Aronstam, University of the Arts London

Digital Manchester: Discover how students use new technologies
Michael Gorman and Chris Meadows, Manchester School of Art

Hybrid Teaching Challenges and Successes: Fundamentals of digital and online media (panel discussion)
Jon Zmikly, Texas State University

12.45 – 2.15

Lunch (JAM Sessions)

2.15 – 3.45

Parallel Presentations II

Shooting from the Hip: Fashion Film Practice & Mobile Technologies
Andy Lee, University of the Arts London

What’s technology got to do with it? Mapping Art, Design and Fashion students’ use of and attitudes to digital technology for their learning
Charlotte Webb and Siobhan Clay, University of the Arts London

We’re Not In Kansas Anymore: Collaborative Innovations in E-Learning for Film Studies
Ellen Sims and Gillian Helfield, York University

A Case Study: Integrating elearning options for students and teachers in the Faculty of Fine Arts
Michael Longford and Judith Schwarz, York University

Creating space that bridges gaps: can an online learning environment encourage new learners?
Jon Martin, University of the Arts London

TBC: Traditional and Innovative Approaches/Open education resources and curriculum
Cyril Shing, University of the Arts London

4.15 – 5.45

Parallel Presentations III

Musing: Mobile Interactive Didactive Application for Museums and Art Galleries
Grayson Lawrence and Mary Mikel Stump, Texas State University

Do Touch the Art: Creating An Interactive Guide to Enrich Museum Experiences
Heather Hughes and Nick Smerker, Penn State University

Creative Communities: expanding conceptions of digital literacy
Jo Morrison, Central Saint Martins UAL

Distributed and Global: Three Examples of Teaching and Learning with Technology (work-in-progress)
Cynthia Lawson and Jim O’Connor, The New School

The Critique Problem: Pedagogy or Architecture? Which is to Blame?
Mona Kasra, University of Texas-Dallas

Creative Cross-cultural Connections: Facebook as a Third Space for Learning and Collaboration
Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas, University of the Arts London

7.00 – 9.00

Reception at Zelicks

Thursday, September 18th


Optional Glass Bottom Boat Tour





Design as Product Strategy
Jon Kolko, Vice President, Consumer Design, Blackboard

11.15 – 12.45

Parallel Presentations I

From Maker Movement to Maker Lab
Kyle Dickson and Nil Santana, Abilene Christian University

How to Kill a Vampire or Game Based Learning in Higher Education
Andre Thomas, Texas A&M University

Connecting Pedagogy to Peer Identity: Lessons from a MOOC
Sarah Stager and Anna Divinsky, Penn State University

Wearing it on Our Sleeve: Learning, Teaching & The Internet of Things (1 hour panel)
Andy Lee and Marcus Saunders, University of the Arts London

12.45 – 2.00


2.00 – 3.30

Parallel Presentations II

Using Creative Process to Guide Integrated Art and Technology Courses
Jill Fantauzza, Texas State University

Facilitating Innovative Classroom Connections Using Online Tools: What Works
Katherine Hepworth and Donica Mensing, University of Nevada Reno

Mapping Relationships with e-Learning (workshop)
Darren Gray and Jo Morrison, University of the Arts London

Connecting Learning Environments: Building Multi-institution Digital Badges
Ann Clements and Chris Stubbs, Penn State University

Re-exploring eLearning Media: Creativity, Content, and Copyright
Ann Clements and Cody Goddard, Penn State University

A Cross-University Collaborative DOCC: Content, Curriculum, and Connectedness
Ann Clements and Gary Chinn, Penn State University

3.30 – 4.00


4.00 – 5.00

Keynote Panel Discussion

Lead, Innovate and Disrupt: Connecting Curriculum Strategies to Success in the Digital Workplace
Cindy Royal, Texas State University (with former and current student group)

Friday, September 19th

8.00 – 3.00

Optional Photography Workshop, Gruene (limit of 15 people)