Call for papers
The call for papers is now closed
We are pleased to invite you to submit your proposal to present at the Designs on e-Learning international conference. Submitted abstracts, panel discussion and work in progress proposals will be assessed in a blind review process by a committee comprised of distinguished international reviewers.
Titled Forging Creative Connections, broad conference themes have been designed to open up the conversation wherever you find yourself along the technology path. Specific areas of connection could include those between:
- Traditional and innovative approaches
- Students and employers
- Open educational resources and the curriculum
- Faculty and students
- Formal and informal learning
Short Paper Presentations
Abstracts should not exceed 500 words. If accepted, this version of your abstract will be published in the papers for the conference and in the Designs on eLearning 2014 Conference Proceedings. Paper presentations must not exceed 20 minutes! Groups of 2 or 3 presentations will be followed by a Q&A.
Panel Discussions
Proposals should not exceed 300 words. Panels must consist of a minimum of two participants. Please clearly state who would make up the panel in your submission. Panel discussions will be allocated either 30 minutes or 60 minutes including Q&A time. The proposal will identify whether 30 or 60 minutes are most appropriate.
Work in Progress Presentations
Work in progress papers should not exceed 300 words. Work-in-progress papers are typically in frontier areas where it is understood the work is in an early or intermediate stage and authors are seeking feedback from the audience. A work in progress should address the broad tracks of (1) innovative practice, (2) research-to-practice, and (3) research.