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DEL in BetweenPR is an update to the ongoing series of webinars and conversations among members of the DEL community — enhancing the speaker lineup through a new peer-reviewed process to explore  emerging topics in art, design, and higher education.

*PR = double anonymous peer reviewed

DEL is an international community of art, design, and higher education professionals who are passionate about exploring practice from across the globe. The DEL Conference convenes in even years starting in September/October 2026, and in this off year, the focus is online monthly DEL in BetweenPR webinars.

The DEL Committee is accepting submissions for the DEL in BetweenPR webinars occurring on the 3rd Friday of each month from September 2025 – May 2026. Recordings of previous DEL in Betweens (peer reviewed and not) can be found on DEL in Between’s Archive.

Key dates

  • Call open: 28 January 2025
  • Call closes: 28 March 2025
  • Notice of acceptance: Early June

Session formats

Sessions should be dynamic, following any of the following formats, and include at least 10 minutes for questions and conversation. Submissions may be paired with other relevant sessions based on the DEL in Between schedule.

Paper Presentation

Length: 30 minutes (typically 10 minutes for the presenter‘s main points; 20 minutes for audience engagement)

  • At DEL, we understand the term ‘paper’ to incorporate broad contexts and impacts for creative practice, teaching practice, and research. A paper presentation typically includes research methodologies, theoretical framing, objectives, outcomes, implications, and/or impacts.

Case Study

Length: 30 minutes (typically 10 minutes for the presenter’s main points; 20 minutes for audience engagement)

  • Case study sessions include creative practice; teaching practice; student work and perspectives; and/or research regarding a particular context, group, or experience. Example presentations include a teaching case study, policy initiatives and frameworks, or the documentation of a creative practice project.

Panel Discussion

Length: 60 minutes (typically 20 minutes of presentation/conversation followed by a Q&A with attendees)

  • Panels should have a minimum of 3 presenters who dialogically introduce a set of projects or explorations around a particular topic. A DEL Panel should assemble a range of researchers/educators to create a discussion or possibly debate a range of topics and/or points of view focused on a central theme. Panelists may choose to give short talks or presentations to open the discussion, but thes timetable must include at least 20 minutes of conversation across panelists followed by Q&A. All panelists should be confirmed before submission of the proposal.

DYO (Design Your Own) Session

Length: We recommend 30 minutes. The time may be allocated as your design requires, but at least 10 minutes should be dedicated to discussion. You may also propose a different duration (for example 60 mins or two parts over two different dates) which you should explain in your submission.

  • DYO sessions are your opportunity to open new frameworks and session formats related to DEL’s themes. DYO sessions should stretch attendees’ imaginations and explore new formats for scholarly exchange while opening avenues for dialogue. These sessions are highly flexible, possibly more disruptive or spontaneous, but will still be held to the same anonymous, peer review standards of all DEL session proposals.

    There are no specific requirements for DYO sessions except session proposals should provide planned opportunities for discussion.

How to submit your idea

You can submit your idea for a session by completing our DEL in BetweenPR Call for Submissions online form.

Alongside contact information, you will be asked to respond to these prompts:

  • Title. Provide a brief title of your session. (250 characters)
  • Abstract: Please describe your main point/argument. This abstract will be published on the event webpage and in event materials. (750 characters)
  • Description: How does your session address the theme of emergent topics and practices art, design, and Higher Education? Please also provide a general timetable for your session. (2,500 characters)
  • Interaction: How will you encourage interaction with the audience online? (500 characters)
  • Takeaway: What is the primary value of your session for audiences, or what makes it relevant to contemporary discourse on art, design, or education? (1,000 characters)
  • Outcomes: What do you plan to do with the outcomes from your session e.g. feeding into research, inform strategy, blog postings etc? (500 characters)