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Data Self-Portrait: Representing Self and Others Through Computational Graphic Art with AI Collaboration

NAFA Campus 1, Towerblock Room 6-14 (PC)

This paper explores the creative potential of using computational graphic art and artificial intelligence (AI) to generate data-driven self-portraits that reveal insights about the individual and the broader human experience.… Read More »Data Self-Portrait: Representing Self and Others Through Computational Graphic Art with AI Collaboration

Decoding Brutalism in UI Design: Trend or Timeless? Exploring its Pedagogical Significance, Appeal and Application.

NAFA Campus 1, Towerblock Room 5-36 (SU)

Today’s UI design landscape is rich in ever-evolving visual sensibilities and considerations for emerging designers. Amidst the backdrop of visual appropriation juxtaposed against established design norms propagated by Big Tech,… Read More »Decoding Brutalism in UI Design: Trend or Timeless? Exploring its Pedagogical Significance, Appeal and Application.

Crafting the Future: Exploring Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainability in Fashion Education

NAFA Campus 1, Towerblock Room 10-02 (PC)

This case study delves into three noteworthy graduation projects amalgamating entrepreneurship, sustainability, and craft practice within a fashion education context. The projects epitomize groundbreaking strides in social collaboration and digital… Read More »Crafting the Future: Exploring Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainability in Fashion Education

Mirǒurnauts: exploring reflective and creative digital practice to navigate pedagogy, academic identity and professional change in the era of artificial intelligence and spatial computing.

NAFA Campus 1, Towerblock Room 10-02 (PC)

During the pandemic I considered we were engaged in an accidental form of the therapeutic practice of self-mirroring; observing ourselves and our teaching through live synchronous video platforms, which is… Read More »Mirǒurnauts: exploring reflective and creative digital practice to navigate pedagogy, academic identity and professional change in the era of artificial intelligence and spatial computing.