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DEL In Between: Accessibility and Inclusivity in Art and Design

This panel will be sharing examples of best practice about creating an accessible and inclusive learning, teaching and museum environment. Panelists: Caroline Huntley (Head of Disability Service, UAL) Dr. Katharina C Husemann (Senior Lecturer in Marketing, King's College London) Sheldon Chow (Associate Dean of Learning, Teaching and Enhancement, London College of Fashion, UAL) Sheila Smith (Digital… Read More »DEL In Between: Accessibility and Inclusivity in Art and Design

Digital Culture and Research Creation – DEL In Between

Three faculty in electronic literature present their recent research using AI generative platforms, game interfaces, and creative coding. Panellists: All panellists are faculty in the Digital Culture program, University of Bergen, Norway.: Alinta Krauth Jason Nelson Scott Rettberg Register Register on Eventbrite.

Education and Ethics of AI

It’s either the next big thing in education – or the greatest threat to our profession we’ve ever seen. Whatever your opinion of AI, there’s no denying its popularity in the classroom. A recent Walton Family Foundation survey of 2,000 K-12 students found more than one in five of them are already using ChatGPT to… Read More »Education and Ethics of AI

The Mediated Landscape Lab

The mediated landscape lab is a studio-based environment where conventional approaches to landscape architecture, ideation, and technology are explored to create speculative futures. Layering the impacts of climate change and demographics become prompts to predict the future. In this In Between session, Marc Miller discusses how he uses AI to image landscapes of the near… Read More »The Mediated Landscape Lab

Benefits and implementation of using MIRO in the classroom

Micca and Rachel will share on the benefits and implementation of using MIRO in the classroom to foster collaboration and enhance student engagement in graphic communication classes at NAFA. The use of MIRO facilitates visual learning and encourages active participation among students. Outside of the classroom, the platform allows students to collaborate in real-time, allowing… Read More »Benefits and implementation of using MIRO in the classroom

Students on AI

(Open the event description to read more.) A panel of art and design students will discuss their experiences and perspectives on the uses of AI. Panelists include: Stephany Silva Fajardo (Penn State) Briana Hacksisombath (Texas) Tallulah Moynihan (The New School) Yiyang Lu (UAL) Read the panelist bios. Sign up for the DIB. Check your local… Read More »Students on AI

Inclusive Design & Immersive Technology

About: Danielle Royer will share her development and prototype of an augmented reality (AR) project focusing on removing barriers for disabled students at UAL. She used inclusive design methodologies to inform the use of AR as immersive technology that can be accessed using tablets and phones. It is designed to support students with wayfinding, health… Read More »Inclusive Design & Immersive Technology

Space for Many: Designing Soft, Pliable Public Spaces

Description: Within the realm of design (interiors and architecture), there is a prioritization of westernized ideals that dictate materiality, spatial organization, interaction and form. Often, the messiness of the domestic sphere is excluded from these conversations, in favor of modernization, cleanliness, and hard materials. By centering and prioritizing the body within our approach to interiority… Read More »Space for Many: Designing Soft, Pliable Public Spaces

An Unfinished Manifesto for Arts Education in the Age of Chaos & Technology

Online - Zoom

A celebration and critique of technology in an age of chaos. The early 21st Century will be presented as a defining period in human cultural evolution, and the challenges faced unprecedented on a global scale. Climate change, and it’s likely consequences, food and water scarcity, mass migration, and uninhabitable environments, will be conceptualised as an… Read More »An Unfinished Manifesto for Arts Education in the Age of Chaos & Technology