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Hangul Project: bilingual and intercultural experiences between English and Korean

NAFA Campus 1, Towerblock Room 6-14 (PC)

Note: Session time is listed in BST. Check your local time zone. This panel will present and discuss bilingual and intercultural experiences between English and Korean as experiential visual dialects. It articulates new visual narratives from intercultural perspectives. It employs the Hangul alphabet, an English typeface designed using Korean consonants and vowels for a translingual experience. It is multidisciplinary visual research… Read More »Hangul Project: bilingual and intercultural experiences between English and Korean

Future Echoes? A prologue & a tale

NAFA Campus 1, Towerblock Room 5-36 (SU)

Note: Session time is listed in BST. Check your local time zone. Whether we have individually given our consent or not, as a human society we have a collective unspoken agreement in favour of open access to creative endeavour. Instead of feeling redundant, in danger, or that we are heading into a dystopian future, we can show strength in… Read More »Future Echoes? A prologue & a tale

Learning spatial audio with the Open Ambisonics Toolkit

NAFA Campus 1, Towerblock Room 5-36 (SU)

Note: Session time is listed in BST. Check your local time zone. With the recent extension of application of spatial audio in the entertainment industries, an increasing number of academic institutions are renewing their interest in the subject. However, the plethora of techniques and practices, together with the relative novelty of them, has resulted in a lack of a methodology… Read More »Learning spatial audio with the Open Ambisonics Toolkit

‘Lurkers’ in the Fashion Business School: A study of learning participation in Online Classrooms

NAFA Campus 1, Towerblock Room 6-14 (PC)

Note: Session time is listed in BST. Check your local time zone. This dissertation researches learning in online classrooms. Those who participate are known as ‘posters’, those who remain silent, ‘lurkers’. Online learning has grown exponentially since 2020, due to Covid-19 and use of technology. Education can be accessed via internet platforms in real-time or asynchronously. This began as a portfolio… Read More »‘Lurkers’ in the Fashion Business School: A study of learning participation in Online Classrooms

Beyond Word Clouds: Case Studies of Visualizing Topics from Design Journals and Video Transcripts

NAFA Campus 1, Towerblock Room 6-14 (PC)

Note: Session time is listed in BST. Check your local time zone. This presentation will compare two case studies of generating and visualizing topics within a corpus of text related to design research and practice. Each study compares the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing machine learning algorithms to generate the topics versus manual extraction from… Read More »Beyond Word Clouds: Case Studies of Visualizing Topics from Design Journals and Video Transcripts

Visualising the online art and design student experience

NAFA Campus 1, Towerblock Room 5-36 (SU)

Note: Session time is listed in BST. Check your local time zone. Our recent research explored the experiences of over 300 learners. We discovered how online study really worked for learners with a range of other responsibilities and commitments. This has updated our conceptions of the student experience, and our responsibility to develop learning that fits into, rather than takes… Read More »Visualising the online art and design student experience

The Near Future of Iterative Design and Visual Representation: A Personal Journey with AI and XR

NAFA Campus 1, Towerblock Room 6-14 (PC)

Note: Session time is listed in BST. Check your local time zone. Extended Reality and Generative AI are revolutionizing the way designers learn, practice, and teach design, creating new realities and adding challenges to conventional notions. The Iterative Process and Visual Representation have always been fundamental to the design, but the technological developments of XR… Read More »The Near Future of Iterative Design and Visual Representation: A Personal Journey with AI and XR

Inclusive Art Critique

NAFA Campus 1, Towerblock Room 5-36 (SU)

Note: Session time is listed in BST. Check your local time zone. Art critique has long been a central practice in the art and design world, serving as a means for artists and designers to receive feedback on their work and for critics to analyze and evaluate. However, traditional art critiquing methods have often been exclusive, biased, and Eurocentric.… Read More »Inclusive Art Critique

Magic in the classroom: Labor, Delight, and A.I.

NAFA Campus 1, Towerblock Room 6-14 (PC)

Note: Session time is listed in BST. Check your local time zone. Generative A.I. apps have embraced ✨sparkles✨ and references to magic in their branding and user interfaces. The idea of magic has long been entangled with technology and the arts. Are massive neural networks “indistinguishable from magic,” to quote Arthur C. Clarke, making creative… Read More »Magic in the classroom: Labor, Delight, and A.I.

A Tangible Future: Climate Change Education Using Physical Computing-based Design Provocation

NAFA Campus 1, Towerblock Room 6-14 (PC)

Environmental education about climate change and adaptation strategies do not have reliable behavioural effects due to the topic’s distance from immediate concerns and reliance on understanding negative consequences that are tangibly felt. To show students how climate futures can be made tangible, we designed a curriculum that creates scenarios for building interactions that express climate… Read More »A Tangible Future: Climate Change Education Using Physical Computing-based Design Provocation