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DEL In Between: Learning to Fail at Design, AI, and Technology

About this session In teaching design of/with artificial intelligence and digital ecosystems, a variety of digitally engaged methods is needed. At Köln International School of Design (KISD), these include methods for documenting and reflecting on the creative process as well as a novel cloud infrastructure for deep learning in design. What ties these approaches together… Read More »DEL In Between: Learning to Fail at Design, AI, and Technology

DEL In Between: Accessibility and Inclusivity in Art and Design

This panel will be sharing examples of best practice about creating an accessible and inclusive learning, teaching and museum environment. Panelists: Caroline Huntley (Head of Disability Service, UAL) Dr. Katharina C Husemann (Senior Lecturer in Marketing, King's College London) Sheldon Chow (Associate Dean of Learning, Teaching and Enhancement, London College of Fashion, UAL) Sheila Smith (Digital… Read More »DEL In Between: Accessibility and Inclusivity in Art and Design

Digital Culture and Research Creation – DEL In Between

Three faculty in electronic literature present their recent research using AI generative platforms, game interfaces, and creative coding. Panellists: All panellists are faculty in the Digital Culture program, University of Bergen, Norway.: Alinta Krauth Jason Nelson Scott Rettberg Register Register on Eventbrite.