Kate Hartman
Artist, Technologist and Educator
Bodies and Beyond: Exploring Technology and the Human Form
How can technology interpret, acknowledge, or extend the human form? And how can objects that live in the bodysphere enhance, inhibit, or mediate our social interactions? In this talk, Kate Hartman will share both solo work as well as collaborative projects from the Social Body Lab, a research and design lab dedicated to body-centric technologies in the social context. She will explore the conceptual, technical, and contextual valleys that exist between the current peaks of development in the emerging field of wearable technology.
About Kate Hartman
Kate Hartman is an artist, technologist, and educator whose work spans the fields of physical computing, wearable electronics, and conceptual art. She is based in Toronto at OCAD University where she is the Associate Professor of Wearable Technology and Director of the Social Body Lab. Hartman received a BA in Film & Electronic Arts at Bard College and a MPS from the Interactive Telecommunications Program at New York University. Her work has been exhibited internationally and featured by the New York Times, BBC, CBC, NPR, in books such as “Fashionable Technology” and “Art Science Now”. She was a speaker at TED 2011 and her work is included in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. She is also the author of the book "Make: Wearable Electronics” and Director of ITP Camp, a summer program for grownups at ITP/NYU. Hartman enjoys bicycle commuting, rock climbing, and someday hopes to work in Antarctica.
Website: www.katehartman.com
Instagram: kate_hartman