#delJAM with the Digital Maker Collective


The Digital Maker Collective (DMC) are a group of artists, designers, staff and students from the University of the Arts London (UAL) who explore emerging digital technologies in arts, education, society and the creative industries. This session will be an opportunity for visitors to get involved in hands on digital making through demonstrations and discover more about DMC digital experiments, live projects & events.


This hands on digital making workshop will highlight the work of the DMC and provide visitors an opportunity to learn, experience and discuss the use of new technologies in art, design, performance, education, community & industry.

Participants will help develop experimental projects and contribute in open development of ideas, and discover ways to join and get involved in future Digital Maker Collective activities.


This hands on digital making workshop will highlight the work of the DMC and provide visitors an opportunity to learn, experience and discuss the use of new technologies in art, design, performance, education, community & industry.


Participants will help develop experimental projects and contribute in open development of ideas, and discover ways to join and get involved in future Digital Maker Collective activities.


The results of this session will inform the development of each project whilst also supporting the direction of the Collective as a whole.


Join members of the Digital Maker Collective in this pop-up digital maker participatory workshop and discover, explore and try out the latest’s innovations in digital making. Dip in and out of any of the below small incubator/demo and discussion zones within this Digital Maker Collective Mini Jam and help develop these agile and experimental projects alongside the Collective:

Integrating virtual reality (VR) in the curriculum

VR in the College - A collaborative project: Find out about MA Fine art digital student Alejandro Escobar VR Residency at Wimbledon College of Arts. Alejandro has been developing a project that explores the use of drawing as the main resource for a collaborative Virtual Reality production involving students from different courses. For this, he is also working closely with staff to find new uses for VR within the Curriculum.

Virtual Reality and Participatory Practice: Reflections on working with VR at Tate Exchange, insights into working collaboratively on VR projects and in engaging public participation in VR projects with Kirstin Barnes CSM Art student.

Schools and community collaboration

Collectively Learning and Teaching Technologies in Collaborative Teams to make Interactive Installations: Participate in wiring and coding sensors, surface speakers and touch boards to activate a co-produced sonic installation that will be interactive. Led by artist Nicola Rae, who also discuss experiences of collaborating on developing workshops with children at Chelsea's Digital Maker Collective Space, Tate Exchange and Tate Kids at Tate Britain during 2017.

Perspectives on the wider Digital Making Community: The South London Raspberry Jam was inspired by 11 yr old Femi who wanted other young people with Neuro-diversities, such as autism and Tourette's Syndrome to share his passion of coding and physical computing. Co-founder, Grace Owolade-Coombes will discuss how the informal community setting can provide an inclusive and transformative learning environment for cross-generational participation in new technologies and digital making. She will lead an open discussion about who should be leading the way and the benefits of challenging traditional ideas about young people and learning - showing the results of her son's project to reach 100 young people in Bangladesh.

Internet of things and physical computing

The Aether project, this workshop will introduce practical methods for introducing Internet of Things technology into your art work, learn how to share data and communicate between objects at different locations. Led by Rosie Munro Kerr (Wimbledon Alumni) & Daniel Bandfield (Chelsea Fine Art student)

Learn about the basics of connecting the inexpensive EEG headset to Raspberry Pi and Arduino and using the data to control such components such as LED or servo We will also explore ways of feeding the data into Max/MSP and Puredata. Led by Wimbledon Tech Specialist Grzesiek Sedek.


Open Design and Manufacture Project: Early UAL perspectives on CCW involvement in this new three-year project funded under the Knowledge Alliances strand of the Erasmus plus programme - European Commission. A Knowledge Alliance between HEIs, Makers, Maker Spaces and Manufacturers to boost Open Design & Open Manufacturing in Europe.