Brand Building and Faculty Development
This session focuses on key faculty members and how they successfully promote their work in the online environment. While this is an exploratory study, it will provide valuable feedback for faculty and administrators. Digital presence and professionalism should be key components in faculty development programs.
A best practices guide for faculty interested in increasing their digital presence. Recommendations will be offered for academic administrators regarding needed support and resources.
Academics today should be keenly aware of their digital image as it relates to their personal brand. Faculty in journalism, media and communication, because of the evolving industry they serve, are at the forefront of this digital tsunami. Administrators contend that these faculty, in particular, should ‘practice what they teach and preach” with regard to digital media. There is much research regarding the importance of building brand awareness and support in the corporate world. Many of these business concepts could also apply to the academy and faculty development. This session will present a two-pronged approach that includes information from media savvy faculty members and academic administrators. The researcher will provide the results of a 2016 exploratory study of select media faculty with robust online footprints. Key administrators will also be interviewed to determine the resources and training needed to support faculty brand development. Based on these findings, a best practices guide will be developed for faculty interested in increasing their digital presence and engagement and building positive brand awareness. The researcher will also discuss how personal brand building can be integrated into faculty development programs.