A London Queer Tango Workshop

  • with Ray Batchelor

This is a bookable activity – please sign up if you wish to attend via our online booking form

Tango is walking with attitude. For this short, enjoyable introduction to traditional Argentinian Tango (the calm, elegant social dance, not the show tango of Dance with the Stars or Strictly Come Dancing).

You do not need:

  • A partner ("everyone dances with everyone” says Ray)
  • Experience ("If you can walk without falling over, I can teach you")
  • To sacrifice your feminist principles (“everyone leads; everyone follows; everyone chooses – we put gender-specific assumptions firmly to one side…”)

You DO need:

  • Shoes with leather or other smooth soles so you can move your foot as if stubbing out a cigarette when you used to smoke. Rubber soled shoes will not work. Women do NOT need * high heels – apart from this, come in whatever you find comfortable)
  • The ability, eventually, to set your ego aside for 3 and half minutes (“THAT is the hard part”)

By the end of the workshop, everyone will be able to dance a creditable version of traditional Arrgentinian Tango, and have learnt a few things about tango, and maybe even about themselves and about each other. And Ray promises it will be fun!

In addition to his art and design teaching, Ray dances, teaches, researches, writes about tango (The Queer Tango Book - download your FREE copy here: www.queertangobook.org ) and has recently begun teaching tango to football players (The Football Tango Project in 3 minutes: https://vimeo.com/126809851)